Soils are the foundation of a septic drainfield. Just like a house, if the foundation fails,
everything above it will fail. The soils must have sufficient depth to rock and subsurface water.
The soils must also have the proper clay to sand mixture, and strong enough structure to provide
a good foundation for the drainfield. Soil testing by a Certified Professional is the first step
in ensuring that your septic system will provide good service for years.
Soils services is used as a key compnent in determining the best onsite sewage management system
for each individual project. The Soil Scientists apply their knowledge and ability in
understanding the complexity of allowing soils to treat and dispurse wastewater to
the fullest capacity of use for each project.
GSI provides our clients with access to several State Certified Soil Scientists.
P.O. Box 369 Talmo, Georgia 30575
Office & Fax: 706-693-4119
Cell: 770-231-5143 or 770-533-1400